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Beatriz Leal

Degree in Psychology from Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Beatriz is attending the second year of the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology at the same university.

In the scope of Clinical Psychology, one of her main interests is in the area of neurodevelopmental disorders and her professional aim is to work in a hospital with children.

Beatriz participated in training programs, such as “Primeiros Socorros Psicológicos na Infância” and “Psicologia Positiva em Ação: A Melhor Solução em Catástrofes e Crises”.

Currently, Beatriz is part of the project Autismo EPE, collaborateing in animal-assisted intervention activities through psychoeducational riding.

Considering important to demystify the stigma towards mental health problems, Beatriz participated in the 1st edition of the project WeARTolerance, supporting the performed activities.